Ellicott Middle School

Ellicott, Colorado

Ellicott Middle School

Location: Ellicott, Colorado

Size: 74,324 sf

Project Delivery Method: CMGC

LEED Gold Certified

In early 2010 LKA Partners began updating the Ellicott School District’s campus wide Master Plan. The result of that effort was the confirmation that a new 315 student middle school should be constructed and the old, substandard facilities demolished.

The desire to keep all Ellicott Schools together on their current site meant that the new Middle School would need to be constructed on the same portion of the site as the existing Middle School.  Although the prime form generator was to build around the existing school, a number of schemes were developed; the final solution is a refinement of parts of those schemes.

After direction from the school board, LKA assisted the District in the production of the BEST grant materials necessary to be awarded funding for the new school. Once that milestone was achieved, LKA supported the District’s Bond Election effort with graphics, building data and participation in Pre-Bond Election events.

The new school includes dedicated sixth, seventh and eighth grade classrooms, the District’s preschool program, plus the District’s Administration facilities. Through a variety of environmentally friendly and energy efficient site and building components, the new design provides a viable, innovative, low maintenance, high performing and safe learning environment aimed at meeting the needs of the 21st century student.

The LKA Partners, Inc.

430 N. Tejon Street, Suite 208
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903

phone: 719-473-8446
toll-free: 800-843-5529
fax: 719-473-8448